26 Sep 2023, TULT 16th floor Telkom University, Indonesia

The role of engineering physics
in society 5.0

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About Conference

The 4th Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC 2023) promotes the theme The Roles of Engineering Physics in society 5.0 with subtopics that include and not limited to:

  • Instrumentation and control
  • Building physics
  • Material science and engineering
  • Renewable energy and conservation energy
  • Photonics and optics
  • Acoustics and vibration
  • Modeling and computation

Hybrid Conference

The EPIC 2023 will be held as a hybrid event at Telkom University, Indonesia, and through an online platform via the Zoom Conferencing App. See EPIC 2023 teaser video!


There are keynote and parallel sessions. All accepted papers will be published in IOP Conference Proceeding indexed by Scopus.

Keynote Speaker

Nuki Agya Utama, PhD

Executive Director at ASEAN Centre for Energy

Nuki Agya Utama was appointed as the Executive Director of the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) in August 2019 reporting directly to the Governing Council consisting of Leaders of the Senior Offices on Energy from the ASEAN member states.
Nuki Agya Utama has research background as Post-Doctorate in Graduate School Energy Science Kyoto University for energy scenario planning in South East Asia. Holding PhD, with research on Life Cycle Energy Analysis from University of Technology King Mongkut (KMUTT), Thailand. He has extensive experiences in both energy industry as well as academics.

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Invited Speakers

Dr. Ir. Muhammad Kemal Agusta
ITB, Indonesia
Muhammad Saladin Prawirasasra, S.T., M.T.
Talinn University of Technology, Estonia
Thomhert S. Siadari, P.hD.
Digital Dental Hub, Korea
Ari Bimo Prakoso, P.hD.
UGM, Indonesia
Dr. Ismudiati Puri Handayani
Telkom University, Indonesia

Conference Schedule

Do not miss anything topic about the event

Extended Abstract Submission Apr 04 - Jun 04, 2023
Extended Abstract Acceptance Notification Jun 04 - 30, 2023
Earlybird Registration Deadline Jul 16, 2023
Full Paper Submission Aug 15, 2023
Regular Registration Deadline Sep 26, 2023
Camera Ready Paper Submission Deadline Sep 09, 2023
PPT and Recorded Video Sep 15, 2023


  • 07.30 - 08.30 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University

Opening and Welcoming Remarks by Dean of School of Electrical Engineering, Conference Chair of EPIC 2023, Head of Undergraduate Program in Engineering Physics, and Head of BKSTF

  • 08.30 - 8.50 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

Keynote Talk (by Nuki Agya Utama, Ph.D, Executive Director at ASEAN Centre for Energy)

  • 08.50 - 09.30 AM
  • TULT 16th floor Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

Coffee Break

  • 09.30 - 09.45 AM
  • TULT 16th floor Telkom University

Invited Speaker 1 (by Dr. Ismudiati Puri Handayani, M.Sc., Telkom University, Indonesia)

  • 09.45 - 10.05 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

Invited Spearker 2 (by Ari Bimo Prakoso, Ph.D, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia)

  • 10.05 - 10.25 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

Invited Speaker 3 (by Thomhert S. Siadari, Ph.D, Digital Dental Hub, Korea)

  • 10.25 - 10.45 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

Invited Speaker 4 (by Muhammad Saladin Prawirasasra, S.T., M.T., Tallin University of Technology, Estonia)

  • 10.45 - 11.05 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

Invited Speaker 5 (by Dr. Ir. Muhammad Kemal Agusta, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)

  • 11.05 - 11.25 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

QnA Session

  • 11.25 - 12.00 AM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Main Zoom Webinar

Lunch Break

  • 12.00 - 01.00 PM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University

Parallel Session Room 1 / Room 2 / Room 3

  • 01.00 - 04.00 PM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University, Parallel Room Zoom Meeting

Awards and Closing Ceremonys

  • 04.00 - 04.15 PM
  • TULT 16th floor, Telkom University

Registration Fee

Early Bird

  • Local Student: IDR 2.500.000
  • Local Non-Student: IDR 3.500.000
  • International Student: USD 225
  • International Non-Student: USD 425
  • Due date: Jul 16, 2023


  • Local Student: IDR 3.000.000
  • Local Non-Student: IDR 4.000.000
  • International Student: USD 250
  • International Non-Student: USD 450
  • Due date: Sep 04, 2023


  • Onsite:
  • Local: IDR 400.000
  • International: USD 40
  • Online: Free
  • Due date: Sep 04, 2023

Previous Confereces

Previous conferences were held successfully and attended by several foreign participants from various countries such as: UK, Netherlands, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Malaysia, S. Korea, Japan, Indonesia.



Telkom University Landmark Tower (TULT 16th floor)
Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Secretariat of EPIC 2023

Department of Engineering Physics
School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia