EPIC 2023

  • Telkom University
  • Zoom Meeting
  • September 26–27, 2023


As a speaker at the hybrid conference, you will have the option to present your paper either onsite or online. If you choose to present onsite, you will be able to give your presentation in person in front of a live audience. If you choose to present online, you will be able to give your presentation virtually, using the Zoom video conferencing platform.

To confirm your choice, please follow this link: EPIC 2023 Confirmation Form. This link will take you to a form where you can indicate whether you will be presenting onsite or online.

Please note that regardless of your choice, you will be required to register for the conference and present your paper during the scheduled session time. We encourage you to choose the option that is most convenient and comfortable for you.

Instructions for Presentations (PowerPoint)


  • Keep your message clear and brief
  • Use light colors for the background
  • Keep to color scheme consistent


  • Use dark primary colors
  • Lettering to be at least 0.7 cm (minimum font-size: 14)
  • Use an easy-to-read typeface
  • Try to avoid ALL CAPITALS text


  • Try to make the graphics as clear and detailed as possible
  • Limit the use of clip art
  • Be careful with the use of screenshots – the quality might suffer when viewed full-screen


  • Try to limit the number of words per line to six (6) to eight (8)
  • Try to keep all text horizontal

PowerPoint Video Recording: (for online presenter)

  • Follow these instructions to generate a MPEG-4 (.mp4) file from your slides and audio/video
  • or use other method to record presentation

Video file format:

The presentation video must be in MP4 format, with a maximum resolution of 720p HD. Please use the following naming convention: PTN-presenter-last name.mp4, where PTN is your parallel session track number which you can find in the conference program. You must not exceed the time given for the video presentation, and the file must be under 200 MB of space file.

Tips for recording:

  • Try to achieve a good quality voice recording by making it in a quiet setting and by speaking clearly
  • Avoid areas that have an echo
  • You can use a good headset with a microphone close to your mouth but try to avoid the direct line of mouth to reduce noise. Avoid using the default built-in microphone on the computer
  • Do a test recording for a couple of minutes to be able to review the sound and picture quality, MP4 format, size, resolution, and bitrate. Make adjustments if needed
  • Review your video and watch it several times to make sure everything is fine

Online Presenting

The following guidelines will provide you with important information and instructions to prepare your presentation. The presentation can be given life in the virtual conference room or by a pre-recorded video that will be played at the scheduled time. If the presenter’s internet connection quality might be an issue to run a live presentation, a pre-recorded video of the talk must be played. In any case, the speaker is required to participate live in the Q&A session to be held after the presentation. Questions will be asked through the Zoom chat feature and will be read out by the session chair.

Prior to the Conference

Please make sure that you have a stable internet connection. Wired Ethernet is recommended over using wireless (Wi-Fi). To participate in the conference, you will need the following system requirements:

  • An internet connection.
  • Speakers and microphone – built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth.
  • A webcam or HD webcam – built-in, USB plug-in, or Zoom supported devices.

For an optimal experience, the recommended bandwidth is as follows:

  • For high-quality video: 1.0 Mbps/600kbps (up/down).
  • For screen-sharing with video thumbnail: 50-150kbps.
  • For audio VoiP: 60-80kbps.

If you have any questions or concerns about presenting onsite or online, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, [email protected]. We are here to support you and ensure that your presentation at the hybrid conference is a success.