EPIC 2023

  • Telkom University
  • Zoom Meeting
  • September 26–27, 2023


EPIC 2023 is your venue of opportunity to share and showcase your idea, work, and experiences with colleagues from around the world. Present yourself to groups of researcher, professionals, and policy experts who may be your potential collaborator, sponsor, and supporter in EPIC 2023.

Academicians, Students, Industry Professionals, Government Employees, Non-Governmental Organizations, Independent Researchers, etc. are welcomed to present their idea, work, and experiences in EPIC 2023.

All Extended Abstract and Full Paper Submission must be submitted through Editor Assistant (EDAS) portal. The EDAS submission portal can be found here. The EDAS guidelines for authors can be download here.


Full paper must be submitted via EDAS by the author no later than Aug 15, 2023. See the EPIC Speaker’s Manual for details on how to submit a full paper for EPIC 2023. The full paper template can be download in Full Paper Template.


All speakers are required to register and pay the registration fee by Jul 16, 2023 (early bird) and Sep 04, 2023 (regular). Visit the Registration Page to learn more about the registration.


Participation in the EPIC 2023 is limited to registered attendees. It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register in order for the paper to appear in the proceedings and Technical Program. Your full registration includes:

  • Admission to all sessions.
  • To be included in the conference proceedings series as a recognized author.
  • Publication of the accepted submission in the conference proceedings.
  • Access to the presentation pre-recorded video and conference recording.
  • Get a signed electronic certificate of participation.

Questions regarding the Call for Papers or EPIC 2023 may be delivered to the committee through email at [email protected]